Safe Meetings and Events: Post COVID-19 effect on events and work culture
Organizing meetings and events is a part of a work culture many companies have adopted these days. Gathering staff to a meeting area for a quick discussion or a daylong meeting planning an event for a new product launch or events conducted for interacting with your dealers will not be the same after the COVID-19 impact. Companies must also focus on social distancing arrangements along with their other agendas while conducting an event with a large number of people or calling their employees for a meeting at their workplace.
We all are well aware of how much importance one must give to self-hygiene right from washing your hands frequently or covering your face with your elbow while sneezing, it has become every individual’s responsibility to keep them and their surroundings safe from spreading any diseases. Even though it’s every individual’s responsibility it is the duty of the company to keep a mandatory sanitization policy in and around the workplace and while conducting events. The sanitization policy might include as follows:
- Multiple check points for temperature checks and testing areas.
- Sanitizing zones in the common areas
- Social distancing floor maps in the cafeterias and other gathering zones.
- Do’s and Don’ts chart for social distancing must be provided in all entry points and floors.
How social distancing may change future in-person meetings
Frequent Meetings at workplace should be reduced drastically after the covid-19 impact. The meetings in the meeting area that will take place should have a very strong reason to happen provided all the safety criteria’s that has been met, like right from reducing the number employees those where called for meeting and which helps the others to maintain social distancing in the meeting area. Most of the top corporate event management companies in Chennai India with their new technologies or virtual alternatives can be used as a replacement for conducting a meeting amongst the staffs. These technologies can be used to conduct meetings right from their respective table’s which will also be a time-saving technique for organising a meeting like gathering number of staffs to meeting area and keeping the other staff waiting for the last one to show-up, such kind of things can be avoided.
After completed the meeting/ events retain the names and contact details of all the participants who attended the meeting/ events for at least one month. This will definitely help the public health authorities can trace people who may have been exposed to COVID-19 if one or more participants become ill shortly after the event.
If someone attended the meeting or event was isolated as a suspected COVID-19 case, the event organizers should let all participants know this. They should be care and advised to monitor themselves for the symptoms at least 14 days and take their temperature by using thermal scanning twice a day.
If they have even a mild cough or low centigrade fever a temperature of 37.3 C or more than the normal temperature, they should immediately stay at home and self-isolate them.
This means try to avoiding close contact at least 1 meter or nearer with other people, including the family members. Immediately they should call the healthcare provider or public health department and giving them the details of their recent travel/ meetings/ events and the current symptoms.